Monday, November 8, 2010

Meditation and the Box

So today I went to an 11th Step Meditation meeting for the first time ever. For the past two years of my sobriety, I've basically avoided them, mainly because all the people I've ever met that say they love meditation meetings seem f*****g crazy.

I imagine they love them because they don't have to share, and because it fits in with that false sense of spirituality i was after when I took acid all the time. Contempt prior to investigation comes to mind now.

I went, and it was nice, although the lady chairing the meeting was playing an audio track from her iPhone and someone called towards the beginning of the set.

The meditation itself created imagery for us to use while meditating. At first I didn't want to shut my eyes, but I did soon enough. Two imageries stand out to me, the first was writing my worries in the sand on the beach and letting the waves wash them away. I might actually try this soon. The second was a box, which contained something we wanted very much.

Curiously, I couldn't think of anything to get out of the box. It had a nice big ribbon on it, but basically nothing inside. Vaguely for a moment I thought a bike might be nice, but something so trivial hardly seemed worthy of having meditated for twenty minutes to get it. So I stuck with nothing.

We did the typical mild stretching and letting ourselves become aware of our surroundings at the end, and then the sharing began. One guy had a picture of his father in the box, another his kids. Unusual for me, I refrained from sharing. At the very end a woman raised her hand and said she also had nothing in the box.

Does this mean we're perfectly happy?

Does this mean I have a limited imagination?

Like a good alcoholic, I'll probably spend at least part of the rest of the day or week trying to think of something to put in the box for next week.

Yep, next week.

Meditation has been a constant challenge for me since I first encountered my 11th Step a year or so ago.

Like many things in my sobriety, if it makes me uncomfortable, it's probably a good idea for me to participate a little longer.

Keep coming back.
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