Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Gazpacho and God

So i went for my health exam at my new job today. Phew! Glad that's over with. I became accustomed to how well they treated me in the employee health office at my last job. They knew that I'm in recovery.

More importantly, thet knew how special I am. My sponsor always says: Treat an alcoholic special he feels normal. Treat him normal he feels rejected.

Today I was treated like everyone else. Normal. Rejected.

They never closed a door during my questionnaires. People were walking all over the place. As I talked about my alcoholism, rehab, recovery, the girls in the front office right next door talked about recipes. Gazpacho as a matter of fact.

But I was able to smile and carry on the conversation without much difficulty. Some people I know, their sponsor suggests that they say their first AND last name when identifying at a meeting.

Most of the shame of my disease is gone. Except when it isn't.

Luckily today I had God with me. I can't imagine how it would have been any other way.
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