Sunday, October 24, 2010

We prepare ourselves for the adventure of a new life...

So I don't know how long I can keep this up but I will try. 

Things are going amazingly well with my arrival in Miami.

It started yesterday morning as I stared at the phone wondering if I was too busy to answer or not as a sponsee called.  I picked up.  He asked me what was wrong as I frantically scrambled around for the screwdriver in the trash I had thrown away, necessary to take the bed apart.  "I'll be right there."  From my sponsee, this man who when I first suggested he ask someone out for coffee, looked at me like he was going to kill me.

He came over, restoring order to me and my partner's increasingly panicked efforts to pack or throw away everything we own.  This again for me was an illustration, that helping others, even doing something as simple as answering the phone sometimes, leads to places that I would never dream of.

All along the way, thousands of tiny miracles have continued to occur. 

In embarking on my new adventure, I've been super paranoid about dropping out of AA, falling on the map, ending up homeless and then dead.  As a good alcoholic, homeless and dead easily happen in 2 leaps.

So when we first arrived in our new home, realizing that I accidentally left a suitcase in the airport didn't slow me down from going to the meeting I planned to go to.

The first meeting we went to was a Young People's meeting, and before I could think too much, I stood up for service.  Literally, I am now the service coordinator for Young People.  I barely know anyone, but as it turns out, this commitment is the best way to get to know people.

As it turns out, an important item that was in the suitcase I forgot was the air mattress we were going to sleep on.  Before I knew it though, I was being dropped off at our new home by the first guy who stuck out his hand at the meeting.  With an air mattress.  And blankets.  And sheets.  And pillows.  He even remembered to stop for us to get toilet paper and toothpaste.

Today, I have learned quickly that my new city, unlike my old city, is not very pedestrian friendly.  The car we're going to drive hasn't come yet, but again, as God is in charge and not me, we have plenty of help. 

AA, since we have arrived, has, exactly as has always been told to me, scooped me up and taken me EVERYWHERE I need to go.  As I started a little manly crying in the Target because the dollar priced bowls I was going to get were even in my favorite color, I was filled and overwhelmed with the sense of God taking care of me.

God put me here, and God is going to restore me to sanity, as soon as I let him.

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